

About Me

I graduated from Leiden University (MSc Psychology) and Radboud University Nijmegen (MSc Cognitive Neuroscience). During my PhD I worked at the Netherlands Institute for Neuroscience (NIN) with Pieter Roelfsema. I then moved to the UK where I worked as Marie Curie postdoctoral research fellow in the labs of Tom Mrsic-Flogel and Sonja Hofer at University College London and the Biozentrum at Basel University, and as UCL excellence research fellow at the Sainsbury Wellcome Centre for Neural Circuits and Behaviour (University College London) with the research group of Prof. John O'Keefe. I am currently Research Group Leader in the Selective Vision Lab at the Department of Psychology at the University of Cambridge.

Lab Website at the Department of Psychology, University of Cambridge: https://www.psychol.cam.ac.uk/svl/

Collaborators in Cambridge
                    Prof. Trevor Robbins http://www.neuroscience.cam.ac.uk/directory/profile.php?Trevor
                    Prof. Jeff Dalley https://www.psychol.cam.ac.uk/people/jwd20@cam.ac.uk
                    Prof Ole Paulsen  http://www.neuroscience.cam.ac.uk/directory/profile.php?op210
                    Prof. Tim Bussey, http://www.neuroscience.cam.ac.uk/directory/profile.php?tjb1000  
                    Prof. Paul Fletcher http://www.neuroscience.cam.ac.uk/directory/profile.php?pcf22  
                    Prof. Zoe Kourtzi http://www.neuroscience.cam.ac.uk/directory/profile.php?zkourtzi  

Other Collaborators
                    Prof. Jennifer Linden https://www.ucl.ac.uk/ear/research/lindenlab
                    Prof. Maneesh Sahani http://www.gatsby.ucl.ac.uk/~maneesh/   
                    Prof. John O’Keefe: http://www.ucl.ac.uk/swc/research/OKeefe
                    Prof. Tom Mrsic-Flogel http://www.ucl.ac.uk/swc/research/MrsicFlogel  
                    Dr. Sonja Hofer http://www.ucl.ac.uk/swc/research/Hofer  
                    Dr. Adil Khan  www.khanlab.net
                    Prof. Pieter Roelfsema https://nin.nl/research/researchgroups/roelfsema-group/

https://www.psychol.cam.ac.uk/svl/ (my lab website at Department of Psychology, University of Cambridge).